Abstracts should be written in Times New Roman, 12 font size, minimum 200, maximum 400 words.
The title of the paper should be written in Times New Roman, 14 pt, First Letters Uppercase, Other Letters Lowercase, Centered.
The abstract should include the abstract, purpose, method, findings, results, conclusions and references. In review studies, there will be no method and findings sections. Vancouver style is used for citation of references that should be included at the end of the papers. References should be numbered in the order they appear in the text. In the text, tables and image captions, references should be indicated with Arabic numerals in parentheses. In-text referencing should be done according to the APA (American Psychological Association) system.
All submissions must have an abstract in English. Turkish presentations should also include an abstract in Turkish. Please make sure that the abstract is in PDF and Word format when uploading to the website.
The abstract should not include any figures, tables and references. Author names, institutional information(s), address, telephone and e-mail information should be written in the "Information about Author(s)" section on the "Add Abstract" page. The phrase "Corresponding Author" should be added next to the name of the corresponding author, who is also expected to be the person presenting the paper. The PDF and Word document containing the abstract should not contain information identifying the author(s); only the "Title of the Paper" and the Turkish and English abstract text should be included. Each participant can be a corresponding author for up to two oral presentations. There is no number limitation for posters.
The preferred type of presentation (oral or poster) should be indicated at the time of application. Although the Scientific Committee takes these preferences into consideration, it may change the type of presentation by taking into account the intensity of the papers and the integrity of the program.
Each abstract will be reviewed by two members of the Scientific Committee and then the corresponding author will be notified of the results before September 22, 2023.
For each presentation, one of the authors must register separately for the congress. Only presentations with appropriate registrations will be included in the Scientific Program. All registrations must be completed by 29 September 2023 and payment documents must be submitted to the Organizing Committee. Abstracts of speakers who have not made their payments during the abstract book printing process will not be included in the book.
The Congress Book, which will be published as an e-book, will contain only the full texts of the papers presented at the congress. Since the Congress Book will be published before the end of 2023, those who want to have full texts published must submit their texts until November 23, 2023. Texts received after this date will not be included in the abstract book. Full text preparation rules will be announced after the paper acceptance process is completed.
When uploading your abstract to the website, it should be in PDF and Word format. Abstract Submission Deadline: September 15, 2023
Announcement of Paper Evaluation Results: September 22, 2023 Poster dimensions should be maximum 70cm wide x 100cm long.
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